Paper Recycling and Confidential Waste Destruction in a Glasgow Movie Studio

The paperless office has been talked about for years but if your office is anything like mine there will be plenty of paper in it including your recycling bin. What I have never thought about until recently was what actually happens after my waste paper is taken away and how paper is recycled. A couple of months ago I was asked to produce a video for a Motherwell skip hire company and soon after I completed the job they introduced me to another recycler in another town. I guess recycling is like most other industries where everyone knows everyone else. That is why I was sat in an office talking to Stephen Duffy, Managing Director at Highlander International Paper Recyclers talking about making their website video. Now before I write another word I have to confess I am one of those “geeks” who loves working factories and seeing things made. I have been in factories that make gas mixtures, beer coolers, those chill drinks cabinets you see everywhere, rubber gaskets etc. So y...