5 Great Tips To Develop A Top Business Team
If your business is to thrive you need to put a good team at the heart of it. Unfortunately that is easier said than done, especially if you are in the early stages of developing your business when you have a hundred and one things that need to be done by yesterday. The truth is that the sooner you have that top team in place the more time you will have to work on the strategic aspects of your business,. In other words time to work on your business rather than in it. Today’s blog is based on Duncan Tannahill’s 5TopTips of How To Develop A Top Team, which you can watch just below or you can read on. Duncan Tannahill is Managing Director of The Tannahill Partnership , a company that delivers business coaching to SME businesses to enable them to gain real competitive advantage. Here are his five top tips on how to motivate and develop a top team. The Right People Start by recruiting the right people. It may seem obvious but if you get this wrong you will end up frustrated ...