
Showing posts with the label easy way to multiply

How To Multiply On Your Fingers And Thumbs

Who said multiplication is difficult? It's really easy when you use the fingers and thumbs on your hands and you can multiply the numbers between 1 and 4. If you can do that then  you can also multiply by 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. All it takes is your fingers and thumbs. It's so simple even young children can do it, they just need to be shown, and it's a lot of fun. So now you want to know how to multiply with your fingers and thumbs, so let's get straight to it. Put you open hands in front of you with your palms facing upwards. Your fingers and thumbs are going to represent the following numbers: Thumbs = 6 Index fingers = 7 Middle fingers = 8 Ring fingers = 9 Little finger = 10 Your thumbs are always a six and your little fingers are always a ten. Also, to simplify things we will refer to thumbs as fingers. Next,  your left hand deals with the first number in the multiplication sum and your right hand deals with the second number. ...