5 Great Tips For Your Social Media Strategy
Today I have invited Graham Innes of Creation Social Media in Perth to give his five top Social Media Tips for businesses to use in their Social Media Strategy. Tip number one is all about making sure that your first impressions are right on any single social media channel you use for your social marketing. Make sure your cover picture is optimised or any other image space you have is optimised. Then it is important you engage on social media because many people set up lovely platforms but then forget to talk to people, so make sure you engage. Tip number two is all about having a GMAIL account. If you have a GMAIL account remember it gives you accesses to both YouTube and Google+. It is important because both YouTube and Google+ give huge advantages to search engine rankings for social media on the internet. YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet and if you can populate that channel with a slideshow and a description of your business it gives you...