
Showing posts with the label online marketing

5 Great Tips To Develop Your Online PR Strategy

 Ken McGaffin is a writer, speaker and trainer in online marketing. He provides webinar and video training in link building, online PR and content marketing. When it comes to sending out a press release or PR shots to a newspaper there’s not much that Ken doesn’t know. I was therefore thrilled when Ken accepted my invitation to present one of my 5TopTips on online PR and although I normally restrict my videos to just five tips Ken threw in a bonus tip at the end. Tip 1. Read as much about your industry as you possibly can online, and that includes trade journals, trade press, but also the general press. It is very important to look at what the quality press write in a general sense about your industry. And of course do not forget bloggers in your industry, whether they are in the UK or the USA. They can be a tremendous source of coverage for you. And when I say read, I do not mean scan the way most of us do at the moment, I mean really read in depth, so when you see a st...