
Showing posts from April, 2015

5 Great Tips For Your Social Media Strategy

Today I have invited Graham Innes of Creation Social Media in Perth to give his five top Social Media Tips for businesses to use in their Social Media Strategy. Tip number one is all about making sure that your first impressions are right on any single social media channel you use for your social marketing. Make sure your cover picture is optimised or any other image space you have is optimised. Then it is important you engage on social media because many people set up lovely platforms but then forget to talk to people, so make sure you engage. Tip number two is all about having a GMAIL account. If you have a GMAIL account remember it gives you accesses to both YouTube and Google+. It is important because both YouTube and Google+ give huge advantages to search engine rankings for social media on the internet. YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet and if you can populate that channel with a slideshow and a description of your business it gives you...

Paper Recycling and Confidential Waste Destruction in a Glasgow Movie Studio

The paperless office has been talked about for years but if your office is anything like mine there will be plenty of paper in it including your recycling bin. What I have never thought about until recently was what actually happens after my waste paper is taken away and how paper is recycled.   A couple of months ago I was asked to produce a video for a Motherwell skip hire company and soon after I completed the job they introduced me to another recycler in another town. I guess recycling is like most other industries where everyone knows everyone else. That is why I was sat in an office talking to Stephen Duffy, Managing Director at Highlander International Paper Recyclers talking about making their website video. Now before I write another word I have to confess I am one of those “geeks” who loves working factories and seeing things made. I have been in factories that make gas mixtures, beer coolers, those chill drinks cabinets you see everywhere, rubber gaskets etc. So y...

5 Great Tips For The Best Career

If you are asking yourself “ what job should I do? ” watch the video and read the tips below. Tosh Lubek Productions has invited Magda Tomaszewska from CV World in Stirling to help answer your question with careers advice on How To Choose A Career . Magda is a Certified Professional CV Writer and Career Coach who specialises in guiding people to build careers they really want and deserve. Here are her 5 Top Tips on choosing the right career. Tip One Define your natural skills and talents. Find out what you are naturally good at and feel passionate about. It is very important to keep developing yourself in that area and to choose the career that utilises your biggest strengths. Tip Two Know your career values. All of us appreciate different aspects of work. These could be for example a stable income, flexibility, executive level job title, commuting time and many others. If your job is incongruent with your values, you may quickly experience a burn out. Tip Three Underst...

5 Great Tips For Your Best Company Colours

The importance of Colour Colour is more important to your business than you might think. If you get it right you can influence your customers positively but if you get it wrong your business will suffer as you give out the wrong message to the wider world about your brand. The colours you use can significantly influence potential customers when they judge you, your company and your product. Apparently almost 85% of consumers claim the colour was the primary reason why they bought a particular product. In the case of Heinz they made an extra $23m by changing the colour of their ketchup, but more on that later. Colour can also help create the story about your brand. If someone has no prior knowledge of your business the colour and design of your logo will influence their perception of your brand. Changing the colour alone can also change the brand personality. With the importance of colour in mind I spoke to interior designer and colour consultant Jane Chrumka from Harmony Ridg...