5 Great Tips To Write The Best CV

Usually my blog and 5TopTips videos are intended to help businesses however there are exceptions and this post is one of them. The subject of this post is How to write a CV or Curriculum Vitae, so if you need help with CV Writing read on or watch the video.

Our expert on writing CVs is Certified Professional CV Writer Magda Tomaszewska from CV-World in Stirling so without further ado here are Magda’s 5TopTips.

First Impressions Count
Make sure you make the most of the headline in your curriculum Vitae. Use it to brand yourself and to convey very specific information about the value you can offer. You are crushing it if a business owner or HR manager will invite you for an interview just after seeing the start of your CV. Do not let it be a wasted opportunity, make that headline count.

Does it read well
Keep your writing simple, concise and to the point. Avoid cramming in too much information in any one section because the important detail will disappear in a forest writing. Your aim is to make it easier for recruiters to screen your CV so get to the point, you are not writing a novel.  If the recruiter cannot find what they are looking for there is no chance they will put you forward for the job.

Your achievements
In your CV writing show your achievements. Employers look for candidates who can solve their problems and deliver the results, so remember to highlight your accomplishments and tell them how you have helped your previous employers. Having qualifications may be good but it is what you can do and have done that matters most.

The right CV for the job
One CV does not necessarily fit all, target your Curriculum Vitae to the specific job. Remember there is no need to write down everything you did in your career, only include the information which is relevant to the position you are applying for. If you are making a change in your career it is very important to focus on your transferable skills, your soft skills.

Key words are for CVs too
Use key words. Try reviewing a couple of job specifications and find the most common words included in the requirements section. Think of the recruiter as Google searching your CV for the keywords and phrases that are relevant to that job, if you use those keywords your CV will get noticed and you will significantly increase your chances of being selected for an interview.

If you are still looking for further information on writing you CV take a look at the University of Kent's website. The 
National Career Service also offers plenty of useful adviceFinally the BBCs Kevin Peachey has a good video on advice for getting a potential employers attention.

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